1. SOLD TMC micro-g 4x8 optical table, 1/4x20 on 2” centers model 76-454-6, sn 64793, on air legs with all the plumbing. I would sure like to take this home with me, but wife objects. -$4100
2. SOLD Eight foot clean hood with HEPA filters on top and two blowers. $200
3. Headway spinner with vacuum chucks, power supply, vacuum pump, and bowl.
4. Static duster with two blow guns. Ready to install under your clean hood or on the wall.
5. Liconix 4230N HeCd laser manufactured October 91 but I had it retubed by Melles Griot and has 1350 hours on new tube. About 30 mw output at 442 nm. With power supply
6. Liconix 4210 HeCd laser marked model 4110B, ser no 8203007, march 1982, max cw power 40 mw with 4200PS power supply sn8203010 march 1982. Filaments light both ends and tube ignites, but no lase. Might be mirror adjustment or might be out of He.
8. EGG lamp, marked GS146, in fitted wooden case
9. Custom made infrared Nernst glow bar assembly with feed-back controlled power supply. A Nernst glow bar is the brightest IR source available. Four of these IR sources were built for aerospace customers at a price of $6,000 each. This is a fifth and extra unit. Ready to glow "white-hot" for you. $3,500
10. Perkin-Elmer electrodeless discharge lamps. Several dozen lamps of various elements. No power supply.
11. VINTAGE Beckman DU-2 spectrometer with lamps and parts - probably could be made operable - great for parts. Yours for $30 if you come and get it.
12. Ealing reflective microscope objectives, x15/.28 in fitted wooden case with adaptor and alignment tool. Two available. These new objectives have never been used and are like new condition.
13. Synrad, CO2 laser, 10 watts maximum with separate controller and a power supply built-in laser head. Similar to the current Synrad J48-1S. Can demonstrate operation. Includes cooling fans for stable operation at higher power. Controller has burst mode for short pulse. $825 complete and ready to operate. Can demo. Check Ebay and the web for typical price on used, ten watt, CO2 lasers.
14. GlossGard II, one each 20, 60, & 85 degree glossmeters. Battery operated with plug-in recharger and carry pouch for each meter.
15. Scientech model 372 power and energy meter with calorimeter head model 36001, serial number 4350. This is a very nice calorimetric, all wavelength power/energy meter. Most sensitive setting is 0.001 watts full scale.
16. Oriel model 7725, SN 1006 monochrometer. Manufactured Dec1987. In excellent condition with visible grating.
18. Leitz-Wetzlar microscope with special purpose base - price breakdown Heavy duty base with pillow-block translation and glass disk 45 upright w/ focus and coarse height adjustment sn1621-211 65 Leitz binocular head #56348, 1x ($250 in Bid Service) 100 Leitz fiber side attachment cat#900-385 ($250 Bid Service) 100 Leitz periplan10x/18 eyepieces (Ebay buy it now $300) 120 Leitz 10x NPL 0.2 objective (Ebay $100 and up, new $800) 75 Leitz 100x NPL Fluotar objective (Ebay $300 to $600, new $2500) 200 Total 705
19. Acrylic desiccator box with interior shelves and dessicant 90
21. Molectron P4-42 pyrolectric detector head w/ external bias 180
22. Green HeNe lasers, cylindical head, PMS LHGP 0021 $150 and $250
23. Special Optics Babinet-Soleil compensator, MgFl large aperture, rotary mount in wooden case
24. Assorted quartz prism polarizers - some in rotary mounts.
<< New text box >>Ellipsometer donated to Wright State physics department, Dayton, OH